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the following is a collection of data I put togather on dandelions.
Dandelions have roots that can reach a length of 3 feet long. If the plant is removed, it encourages the root to grow better, stronger and faster.
The yellow flower of the plant is really between 150 and 200 smaller flowers. The nutrients, a whitish liquid, is carried through the hollow main stem of the plant.
Dandelions are commonly thought of as pests, but in this report, I will explain why they are not.
Dandelions hold an important role in the food chain. It contains many important chemicals, including Vitamin A, C, Iron, and phosphorous. It can be eaten by almost any creature, including humans. The taste isn't very good, probably explaining why most people and creatures donŐt normally eat them. Besides the taste, dandelions are very commonly covered with chemicals designed to kill them. Some of these chemicals can be hazardous to humans, so consumption of dandelions, without knowing if the plant has the chemicals is strongly discouraged.
Dandelions have a wide variety of uses. The phosphorus from dandelions, when combined with oxygen forming phosfurate, form a coat over white blood cells. The phosfurate also helps make bones and teeth strong. Phosfurate can also be used as part of a laundry detergent. The laundry detergent, although effective on stains, is a horrible water pollutant, and therefore is not commonly used.
The Vitamin C in dandelions is thought to be able to fight off colds and other sicknesses. The anti sickness theory is widely excepted by scientist and common people, all though not by everyone. Even if Vitamin C doesnŐt fight off sickness, it doesnŐt seem to have any bad side effects.
Attempts by American scientist to make dandelions into a useful form of materiel such as rubber has failed every time performed. All though Americans failed in making a product from dandelions, Russian scientist, when use a Russian verity of dandelions, have proven it successful. This product is not commercially used. Dandelions can be used by humans very effectively, but as stated earlier, the plant must not be contaminated by hazardous chemicals.
Home owners, farmers, gardeners, what do they all have in common? The most important connection is they all hate dandelions. All these people have well based reasons to hate dandelions. The home owners reason is that they make his or her property value go down. The farmer and gardeners reason is that they interfere with the growing of other plants, their normal crops. As I stated, all these people have good reason to hate dandelions. To solve these peoples problems, all that is need is a change in paradyne.
If the home owner and his or her neighborhood thought of dandelions as a beautiful flower that could overcome a huge obstacle, then when dandelions appear in the yard, instead of making the value go down, it would pop up. If the farmer and gardener thought of the dandelion as a wonder crop to raise, instead of a horrible pest that needed to be destroyed, they would no longer have to fight off dandelions, and they would still be able to make food and money off of their crops.
When man lives in peace with his ecosystem, then his ecosystem lives in peace with him. From peace, comes greatness. Greatness of plants, greatness of animals, greatness of health and of food. When the choices are to fight or follow nature, the fight will bring harm to her and us, while if we follow, then we shall gain peace.
With a survey I took of 22 people, 12 of them said that Dandelions were weeds. What's your opinion. Is it a weed or is it a plant. Make your decsion, then send it to me. You can E-mail it to me. My address is timecool@geocities.com This page was updated 04/25/1998
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